Codependency Series: What is Codependency?
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What Is Codependency?
Part One of a Two-Part Series
Core issues explored in the program include:
Codependency is an increasingly overused, under-defined word. In this new series, host Jim Shelton, MAC speaks with audience members in a drug and alcohol recovery program about the true nature of codependency - what it is, and what it isn't.
Core issues explored in the program include:
What does codependency mean?
Am I with a codependent?
How do we "catch" codependency?
Is codependency a disease?
What are the roots of codependency?
What does codependency look like?
What is the link to substance abuse?
A complete, working definition of codependency is built, common codependent characteristics are discussed, mental and physical effects of codependency are considered, and the link between codependency and substance abuse is explored. A perfect introduction to Part Two of the series - Setting Personal Boundaries.
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