Discovery Before Recovery
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Filmed at the Stella Maris Recovery Center in Cleveland, Ohio, Discovery Before Recovery features Bob Francis, LICDC giving an in-depth look at AA beginnings and the first four steps.
Filmed at the Stella Maris Recovery Center in Cleveland, Ohio, Discovery Before Recovery features Bob Francis, LICDC giving an in-depth look at AA beginnings and the first four steps, including how Bill W. wrote the steps. In addition, Bob's audience offers perspectives and real life examples of how they work the steps, and stay on the road to recovery.
For the past 23 years, Bob has worked with alcoholics and addicts from all walks of life, and has freely shared his own personal experience with alcohol and drug addiction. He is highly regarded in the recovery community primarily due to his willingness to relate his own history with others and offer a helping hand. Bob was fortunate enough to have entered recovery in the place where it all started. His closest friends include people who have been involved in Alcoholics Anonymous for the past 60 plus years. He has learned to KEEP IT SIMPLE. The simplicity of his message, which includes working the steps, spirituality, relapse dynamics, and basic sober living skills, is what he feels to be the most important factor in leading people to this way of life. If you believe that you or someone you love has had enough, then Bob's got something to tell you. He wants to take you on a DISCOVERY BEFORE RECOVERY.
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