Chronic Relapse Part 1: Understanding Relapse

  • Presenter:Earnie Larsen
  • Product No: 0560ADV
  • Running Time: 35 minutes
In this dynamic and compelling three-part program, Earnie Larsen, a nationally known author and lecturer, and a pioneer in the field of recovery, brings together a group of ex-offenders and recovery addicts. The program revolves around the concept that "chemicals medicate pain."

Chapter 1: Understanding Relapse
The group explores the specific situations of their relapse experiences. The men uncover feelings of fear, inadequacy, and over-confidence, which ultimately led to relapse. In this section, the group discusses the concept that relapse does not just happen at once; that it is instead a process that builds slowly from pain, in one form or another. In order to avoid relapse, one must do more than just stop using, Larsen says, one must look pointedly at their pain, and replace old lies with new truths.

Chapter 2a: What Do You Have to Lose / Gain?
In this section, the men discuss not only what they have to lose if they relapse, but also what they have to gain with sobriety. They realize that they have much to gain with sobriety: trust from others, self-love, relationships with their children, and optimism and excitement to see the next day of their lives. Conversely, the group discusses the terrible consequences inherent in relapse: loss of family, loss of trust from others, loss of self control of one's own emotions, guilt, shame, and countless other forms of pain.

Chapter 2b: Relapse is a Process
In this section, the group sees that relapse happens in stages. Discussed also is how identification of feelings of pain is crucial to avoid relapse. Pain that one does not deal with will trigger relapse. Other factors in relapse are brought up, such as isolation from support groups or spirituality, not asking for help, dishonesty, feeling overwhelmed, and forgetting priorities.


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