Anger, The Bottom Line
Dr. Nuckols addresses how angry people can be compared to the alcoholic or addict new to treatment, most are in denial about their anger.
Earn 6 hours of Continuing Education Units in Anger treatment, authored by Dr. Nuckols at
According to Dr. Nuckols anger and how it affects us is based on our life experiences and the way we look at the world. He explains how anger has many causes and has become a learned coping and survival skill for many who are in treatment programs or in a criminal justice setting.
Dr. Nuckols addresses how angry people can be compared to the alcoholic or addict new to treatment, most are in denial about their anger. He also explains how many people withdraw or use alcohol and drugs, attack others or abuse themselves to try to make their anger go away. He emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for your anger in order to eliminate problems with relationships, getting and keep a job and staying out of trouble with the law.
Dr. Nuckols addresses why it is important to understand the consequences of your anger because relapse is often associated with anger and frustration.
Earn 6 hours of Continuing Education Units in Anger treatment, authored by Dr. Nuckols at
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